Saturday, December 20, 2008

What is a Program MAP?

The purpose of a program map is to show the big-picture view of the critical cross-project dependencies and throughout the program lifecycle. In particular, the map shows the critical deliverables between project teams, and in effect defines the primary interfaces on the program as shown in the figure above.
The work of a program manager cuts across the project teams, therefore he or she predominantly manages in the horizontal dimension of the program. In order to create an integrated product, service, or infrastructure solution, program managers are responsible for three primary things:
  1. Ensuring that the deliverables from the project teams form an integrated whole product solution;
  2. Ensuring the highly complex network of project interdependencies is synchronized and coordinated throughout the program lifecycle; and
  3. Ensuring the program business case remains viable.

The Program MAP is one of the most valuable to tools to help program managers accomplish the first two responsibilities - it forms a picture of the integration of deliverables, and it helps to synchronize the cross-project work over the life of the program.


Pankaj Bhawnani said...

Thanks juliet!

Anonymous said...

Hi Pankaj,

I am interested in republishing this article on PM Hut. Please contact me through the "Contact Us" form on the PM Hut site in case you're interested.