Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why you need a change management strategy?

A "one-size-fits-all" approach is not effective for change management.

For a moment, think about these changes:

  • Acquiring a company of near equal size
  • Getting suppliers to use a new web-based form and process
  • Relocating office spaces within an existing building
  • Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning solution
  • Reorienting around processes instead of functions
  • Releasing a new product

These are all distinctly different changes, but each requires change management to be successful. Each impacts people and how they do their job. Each can suffer from slower adoption and lower utilization. Each has risks associated with people not becoming engaged or resisting the change.

While each of the initiatives needs change management to be successful, the right amount and approach for change management will be different. The change management strategy defines the approach needed to manage change given the unique situation of the project or initiative.

Three key elements form a change management strategy

  1. Situational Awareness - understand the change and who is impacted
  2. Supporting Structures - team and sponsor structures
  3. Strategy Analysis - risks, resistance and special tactics

In my next article, I will talk more about each of these elements and will present that with a help of an example from one of my current client engagements. Hope that will be useful for anyone managing/leading an initiative that requires fundamental organizational change.

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